Daniel Potter

Program: Molecular Genetics and Genomics

Current advisor: Craig Micchelli, PhD

Undergraduate university: Kings College London, 2016

Enrollment year: 2018

Research summary
Deciphering the cellular and molecular mechanisms of gut epithelial barrier maintenance

Graduate publications
Tsatskis Y, Rosenfeld R, Pearson JD, Boswell C, Qu Y, Kim K, Fabian L, Mohammad A, Wang X, Robson MI, Krchma K, Wu J, Gonçalves J, Hodzic D, Wu S, Potter D, Pelletier L, Dunham WH, Gingras AC, Sun Y, Meng J, Godt D, Schedl T, Ciruna B, Choi K, Perry JRB, Bremner R, Schirmer EC, Brill JA, Jurisicova A, McNeill H. 2020 The NEMP family supports metazoan fertility and nuclear envelope stiffness. Sci Adv, 6(35):eabb4591. PMCID: PMC7455189