Jiaxin Cindy Tu

Program: Neurosciences

Current advisor: Muriah Wheelock, PhD

Undergraduate university: Cambridge University, 2017

Enrollment year: 2019

Research summary
Characterization of the functional modular organization in the developing infant brain across topological and temporal scales

Graduate publications
Myers MJ, Labonte AK, Gordon EM, Laumann TO, Tu JC, Wheelock MD, Nielsen AN, Schwarzlose RF, Camacho MC, Alexopoulos D, Warner BB, Raghuraman N, Luby JL, Barch DM, Fair DA, Petersen SE, Rogers CE, Smyser CD, Sylvester CM. 2024 Functional parcellation of the neonatal cortical surface. Cereb Cortex, 34(2):bhae047. PMCID: PMC10875653

Wheelock MD, Strain JF, Mansfield P, Tu JC, Tanenbaum A, Preische O, Chhatwal JP, Cash DM, Cruchaga C, Fagan AM, Fox NC, Graff-Radford NR, Hassenstab J, Jack CR, Karch CM, Levin J, McDade EM, Perrin RJ, Schofield PR, Xiong C, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Jucker M, Benzinger TLS, Ances BM, Eggebrecht AT, Gordon BA; Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network.. 2023 Brain network decoupling with increased serum neurofilament and reduced cognitive function in Alzheimer’s disease. Brain, 146(7):2928-43. PMCID: PMC10316768