Kevin O'Connor

Program: Immunology

Current advisor: Kenneth M. Murphy, MD, PhD

Undergraduate university: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015

Enrollment year: 2016

Research summary
Development of murine nonclassical monocytes

Graduate publications
Bagadia P, O’Connor KW, Wu R, Ferris ST, Ward JP, Schreiber RD, Murphy TL, Murphy KM. 2021 Bcl6-Independent In Vivo Development of Functional Type 1 Classical Dendritic Cells Supporting Tumor Rejection. J Immunol, 207(1):125-32

Kim S, Bagadia P, Anderson DA 3rd, Liu TT, Huang X, Theisen DJ, O’Connor KW, Ohara RA, Iwata A, Murphy TL, Murphy KM. 2020 High Amount of Transcription Factor IRF8 Engages AP1-IRF Composite Elements in Enhancers to Direct Type 1 Conventional Dendritic Cell Identity. Immunity, 59(4):759-774.e9. PMCID: