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Timothy Holy, PhD

Alan A. and Edith L. Wolff Professor

Program affiliation
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary
Sensory processing and plasticity (olfaction), large-population calcium imaging, computation, social communication

Key words
calcium imaging, physiology, mathematical modeling, behavior, neurobiology, smell, olfaction, pheromones, neuroendocrine, circuits

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Cheng Huang, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary
Our lab deciphers how fruit flies learn, memorize, and make decisions using state-of-the-art optical imaging techniques

Key words
Voltage imaging, computational modeling, learning system, memory processing, Drosophila melanogaster

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Benjamin Humphreys, MD, PhD

Joseph Friedman Professor

Program affiliation
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary
Define cell hierarchies in kidney injury and repair and thereby identify the critical cell types in kidney repair and fibrosis

Key words
Stem cells, regenerative medicine, scRNA-seq, scATAC-seq, spatial transcriptomics, fibrosis, gene editing, iPS cells

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Sheng Chih Jin, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Computational and Systems Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science
Human and Statistical Genetics

Research summary
We use human genetic, functional genomic, and bioinformatic approaches to understand the consequence of genetic variants underlying diseases

Key words
Functional genomics, bioinformatics, human genetics, data science, rare diseases, structural variation

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Andrew Kau, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary
Microbial community-immune interactions in airway diseases and urogenital tract

Key words
microbiota; microbiome; mucosal immunity; asthma; allergy; atopy; urinary tract infection; pathogen colonization; metabolomics;

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Adam Kepecs, PhD

Robert J. Terry Professor and BJC Investigator

Program affiliation
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary
Neurobiology of cognition, decision-making and applications to biological psychiatry. Brain-body interactions

Key words

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Albert Kim, MD, PhD

August A. Busch, Jr. Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Computational and Systems Biology
Cancer Biology

Research summary
Genetic and epigenetic changes that drive malignant behavior in brain tumors

Key words
brain tumors, glioblastoma, meningioma, neural stem cells

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Eynav Klechevsky, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Cancer Biology
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary
understand the biology of different human dendritic cells and other myeloid cells as a key for manipulating immune responses in various disease conditions

Key words
Human Immunology, Dendritic Cells, Tumor Immunology, immune dysfunctions, Vaccines

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Dmitri Kotov, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary
My lab works on the host immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We use mouse models that mimic key aspects of human disease to gain a mechanistic understanding of the host response allowing for the identification of novel targets for host-directed therapies.

Key words
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, innate immunology, macrophages, neutrophils, dendritic cells

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Shinjini Kundu, PhD, MD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary

Key words