Jhan Salazar

Program: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Current advisor: Jonathan B. Losos, PhD

Undergraduate university: Universidad ICESI, 2018

Enrollment year: 2019

Research summary
My research focuses on unraveling the evolutionary complexities within mountainous regions, with particular attention to anole lizards—a neotropical genus marked by a distinctive flag-like dewlap.

Mountains have long shaped ecological and evolutionary patterns across diverse organisms, making them ideal landscapes for studying adaptation and diversification. My research focuses on unraveling the evolutionary complexities within mountainous regions, with particular attention to anole lizards—a neotropical genus marked by a distinctive flag-like dewlap. I am especially interested in how these species have evolved to adapt across the varying elevations of the Colombian Andes. In parallel, I bring extensive expertise in data analysis, visualization, and predictive modeling, leveraging large datasets to uncover patterns and inform interdisciplinary research.

Graduate publications