Association for Women in Science (AWIS)
The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) is a non-profit national organization working to promote women’s activities in all fields of science, mathematics and engineering. AWIS has over 70 chapters nationwide including one in St. Louis, founded at the Washington University School of Medicine. AWIS-STL serves as a resource for scientists in St. Louis by providing information about science careers, funding, and policy, and facilitating networking and providing collegial support for one another. AWIS holds special seminars and discussions; recent examples include a panel of successful women in academic positions and a discussion of gender differences in science.
To receive announcements of AWIS events and news or for more information on the St. Louis chapter and its programs, please visit the AWIS-St. Louis chapter yahoo groups page.

Association of Black Biomedical Graduate Students (ABBGS)
The Association of Black Biomedical Graduate Students (ABBGS) is a student-led organization dedicated to strengthening the social, cultural, and academic well being of black biomedical graduate students at Washington University, while promoting diversity within the campus community. ABBGS welcomes all members of the Washington University community to aid in our mission to heighten cultural awareness on campus and to support active recruitment and retention of a culturally diverse student body. Contact the ABBGS E-board at abbgs-eboard@gowustl.onmicrosoft.com for more information.

Connections is a student group that facilitates inclusion through 3 avenues:
- Educational Experiences
- Guided Discussions
- Social Events
Students in Connections will explore their identities with respect to socioeconomics, culture, religion, sexual orientation and race. They will also learn how these identities impact their personal and professional relationships in the WashU community.

DBBS Student Advisory Committee (SAC)
The Student Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences is open to all Division students. The Committee selects its own chair and sets its own agenda. Its ongoing responsibilities include serving as the students’ advocate on issues of concern to the student body as a whole, representing the Division in the University community, participating in the organization of orientation activities, and sponsoring informational events that provide a setting for learning and interaction among students. Members of the Division administration consult the Advisory Committee about student issues which provides a formal mechanism for conveying student opinions to those who establish Division Policy. Additionally, the chairs meet with the Associate Dean of Graduate Education.

First-Gen Scholars (FGS)
First-Gen Scholars (FGS) is a campus organization for graduate students and postdocs who are first-generation students and/or from low socioeconomic backgrounds. We are determined to give graduate students and postdocs from those disadvantaged backgrounds visibility, a voice, and a place to feel comfortable in academic research. FGS supports the needs of its members through tailored mentoring, professional development opportunities, campus and community outreach, and inclusive programming across Washington University. FGS hopes to create an inclusive environment for first-generation and low-socioeconomic status graduate students and postdocs as a forum for the unique challenges that those disadvantaged persons face both on a daily basis and on a larger scale. For more information, connect with us at @FirstGenWUSTL on Twitter or email fgs.washu@gmail.com.

Graduate Association of Latinx, Native American and Caribbean Students (GALNACS)
GALNACS aims to create a more welcoming, inclusive and equitable environment for graduate students in the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences (DBBS) in Washington University in St. Louis who identify as Latinxs/os/as, Native Americans, and Caribbean Islanders. Through recruitment, peer mentoring, education, fraternization, public engagement, representation, and outreach, GALNACS attempts to develop a nurturing and inclusive community that values respect, diversity, social awareness and understanding. GALNACS will also serve as a platform to represent and advocate for the needs of its members and will attempt to serve as a liaison between the administration and the student body. GALNACS is a collaborative organization meant for any graduate student in DBBS interested in learning, celebrating and appreciating the distinguished cultures and identities of Native Americans, Latinxs, and Caribbean Islanders.

Graduate Student Senate
The Graduate Student Senate is composed of one representative from each department or program in The Graduate School at Washington University in St. Louis. The primary purpose of the Senate is to represent and advocate the interests of graduate students in The Graduate School to members of Washington University and the surrounding community.

Graduate-Professional Council
The Graduate-Professional Council was founded in 1993, when a group of student leaders identified the need for both academic and social interaction between graduate and professional students of all disciplines. GPC provides a network of communication through which student leaders share information about school activities, and supports representative student governments. GPC also plans social opportunities for the graduate and professional community, initiates discussions of graduate and professional student issues through panel discussions and presentations, and brings issues of import to the attention of the University administration. GPC’s meetings and committees are open to all graduate and professional students of Washington University.

InPrint is a trainee-run scientific editing network and resource that provides free, confidential editing of scientific communications to the Washington University research community. The group’s mission is to improve the quality of scientific communication, encourage discussions among authors, enhance communication skills, and support trainees’ professional development. InPrint offers a variety of editing services including reviewing documents for organization of content, writing structure and clarity, and use of English language. If you are interested in our services or participating as an editor, learn more at inprintscience.wustl.edu.

The LGBT Health Interest Group is a group of medical students dedicated to addressing the health care needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender patients and physicians.

OUTgrads is an LGBTQIA group dedicated to developing community among Washington University graduate and professional students, faculty, and staff of all genders and sexual orientations, promoting awareness of the issues that affect our communities, and facilitating community involvement by our membership. Our organization is open to any member of the Washington University community.

Washington University in St. Louis Graduate Students Promoting Science Policy, Education, and Research (ProSPER) is a university-wide graduate student group that promotes the use of science in policy-making through science advocacy and literacy, facilitating inter-professional communication, and increasing scientist participation in policy. The group holds a variety of events, including member education events, case studies on how scientists have been involved in science advocacy, and panel discussions.

Sling Health Network
Sling Health Network is a bioengineering design and entrepreneurship incubator founded in 2012 at Washington University in St. Louis. Students, faculty, staff, and St. Louis entrepreneurs team up to tackle unmet needs in healthcare delivery and clinical medicine.
Our group’s objectives include:
- To develop a culture of innovation at Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine
- To teach engineering and medical students the skills and processes needed to invent and implement new biomedical technologies
- To develop novel medical devices targeting unmet clinical needs

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in the Sciences (SACNAS) – WashU Chapter
The Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) Chapter at WUSTL aims to fulfill the SACNAS organization mission of fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM. SACNAS chapters are a powerful and inclusive source of community that provides local and regional support for college students and professionals to succeed in STEM. Collectively, our chapters are the on-the-ground ambassadors behind SACNAS’ movement to achieve true diversity in STEM.

The BALSA Group
The Biotechnology and Life Science Advising Group (BALSA) Group is a nonprofit organization operated entirely by graduate students, professional students and postdoctoral researchers from Washington University. Its mission is to provide participants with valuable real-world business experience via short-term consulting projects with local companies. These projects are intended to provide our members with a risk-free introduction to alternative career paths, the chance to meet and work with other talented BALSA consultants and leaders of the St. Louis business community, and an opportunity to significantly expand and strengthen our members’ skill set. BALSA members comprised of students from the Medical, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Business and Law Schools. The BALSA Group’s client base is diverse and growing, and includes customers such as: DynaLabs, LLC; Eyelten Therapeutics, Inc; Pulse Therapeutics, Inc; Sigma Aldrich and the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center. Contact us at info@balsagroup.org for more information.

Women in STEM (WiSTEM)
Women in STEM (WiSTEM) is determined to give individuals who identify as women within DBBS and the wider Washington University visibility, a voice, and a place to feel comfortable in science, medicine, and other STEM fields. WiSTEM works to meet the needs of our members through professional development opportunities, campus and community outreach, and inclusive event programming in DBBS. Through these efforts, WiSTEM hopes to create an inclusive environment within DBBS and the wider Washington University community as a forum for the unique challenges that women-identifying trainees face both on a daily basis and on a larger scale.

Young Scientist Program (YSP)
The Young Scientist Program (YSP) is dedicated to attracting pre-college students from disadvantaged backgrounds to scientific careers through activities that emphasize hands-on research and individualized contact between young people and active scientists. Each year, YSP programming reaches hundreds of K-12 students attending St. Louis Public Schools and other regional school districts. We are entirely run by volunteers from Washington University. As scientists, we hope to encourage younger individuals to pursue careers in science by sharing our enthusiasm for what we do.
YSP is currently divided into three branches that work in concert to capture K-12 students’ interest in science early in their educational careers:
- Teaching Teams – Teams introduce K-12 students to various scientific topics through interactive demonstrations and lessons brought directly into their classroom. Teams consist of five to ten volunteers who design and present the curricula in small groups, fostering an atmosphere where students feel comfortable asking questions. Teaching Teams currently cover topics about anatomy & physiology, chemistry, neuroscience, genetics & genomics, ecology & evolution, and physics.
- Summer Focus – An eight-week funded summer research internship program for high school students. Each student works directly with two Washington University volunteers: a mentor and a tutor. The mentor works one-on-one with the student in a laboratory on a specific project, while the tutor supports the student throughout their research experience. Each high school student meets weekly with their tutor to review materials related to the summer project. Students also take two courses about science communication skills and preparing to apply to colleges.
- Continuing Mentoring – A four-year mentoring program for high school students. High school freshmen who are interested and enthusiastic about STEM are paired with a mentor. Mentors visit their students twice a month in school over their high school careers. Together, mentors & mentees engage in science-related activities as well as one-on-one professional development about ACT prep, college applications and resume writing. We are currently partnered with Soldan International Studies High School and the Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience.