Yawei Wu

Program: Molecular Genetics and Genomics

Current advisor: Barak A. Cohen, PhD

Undergraduate university: China University of Science and Technology, 2019

Enrollment year: 2019

Research summary
Understanding determinants of long-range enhancer-promoter interactions

Graduate publications
Friedman RZ, Ramu A, Lichtarge S, Wu Y, Tripp L, Lyon D, Myers CA, Granas DM, Gause M, Corbo JC, Cohen BA, White MA. 2024 Active learning of enhancers and silencers in the developing neural retina. Cell Syst, 16(1):101163. PMCID:

Loell K, Wu Y, Staller MV, Cohen B. 2022 Activation domains can decouple the mean and noise of gene expression. Cell Rep, 40(3):111118. PMCID: PMC9912357