Graduate Association of Latinx, Native American and Caribbean Students (GALNACS)

GALNACS aims to create a more welcoming, inclusive and equitable environment for graduate students in the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences (DBBS) in Washington University in St. Louis who identify as Latinxs/os/as, Native Americans, and Caribbean Islanders. Through recruitment, peer mentoring, education, fraternization, public engagement, representation, and outreach, GALNACS attempts to develop a nurturing and inclusive community that values respect, diversity, social awareness and understanding. GALNACS will also serve as a platform to represent and advocate for the needs of its members and will attempt to serve as a liaison between the administration and the student body. GALNACS is a collaborative organization meant for any graduate student in DBBS interested in learning, celebrating and appreciating the distinguished cultures and identities of Native Americans, Latinxs, and Caribbean Islanders.