A collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to research and education is a hallmark of Washington University and of DBBS. Our collegial community of preeminent bioscientists fosters success scientifically, professionally and interpersonally.
Our nearly 650 division faculty members come from 38 university-wide schools and departments and represent countless scientific specialties. Collaboration among and between research scientists and clinicians is a daily occurrence at WashU, meaning you’ll be exposed to all disciplines related to your area of interest.
Mentorship training
DBBS has partnered with the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and Office of the Provost to offer CIMER-based mentorship training for DBBS-affiliated faculty. Faculty who have completed eight hours of training with a trained facilitator are indicated with a profile badge in our faculty directory. Workshop topics include:
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Maintaining Effective Communication
- Aligning Expectations
- Promoting Professional Development

Explore the division’s faculty directory »
Hailing from 47 countries and 46 states as well as from public and private undergraduate institutions of all sizes, DBBS students are integral members of the WashU scientific community. During your training, you’ll forge lifelong friendships with your classmates and find a home among our diverse, dynamic and interdisciplinary community of scholars.
Browse our student directory »
The division’s staff and faculty work together to ensure you develop the competencies required for scientific leadership. From admissions and financial support to program coordinators, DBBS staff guides you through every step of your educational journey.
The Division’s 2,000 alumni translate skills forged in graduate training into leadership positions in academia, industry, government, writing, law, entrepreneurship and more. Whether as a professor, museum curator, science journal editor, intellectual property attorney or venture capital consultant, training here leads to professional success in many disciplines.