Alyssa Labonte
Program: Neurosciences
Current advisor: Chad M Sylvester, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: University of Missouri-Columbia, 2016
Enrollment year: 2021
Research summary
My research focuses on utilizing precision functional MRI methods to understand functional brain maturation in human neonates.
Graduate publications
Myers MJ, Labonte AK, Gordon EM, Laumann TO, Tu JC, Wheelock MD, Nielsen AN, Schwarzlose RF, Camacho MC, Alexopoulos D, Warner BB, Raghuraman N, Luby JL, Barch DM, Fair DA, Petersen SE, Rogers CE, Smyser CD, Sylvester CM. 2024 Functional parcellation of the neonatal cortical surface. Cereb Cortex, 34(2):bhae047. PMCID: PMC10875653