Cheyenne Anderson

Program: Plant and Microbial Biosciences

Current advisor: Rachel M. Penczykowski, PhD

Undergraduate university: Missouri Baptist University, 2018

Enrollment year: 2021

Research summary
Interrogating how land use context influences temperature and impacts genetic and physiological variation within and between Plantago rugelii and powdery mildew populations.

Graduate publications
Zhang N, Mattoon EM, McHargue W, Venn B, Zimmer D, Pecani K, Jeong J, Anderson CM, Chen C, Berry JC, Xia M, Tzeng SC, Becker E, Pazouki L, Evans B, Cross F, Cheng J, Czymmek KJ, Schroda M, Mühlhaus T, Zhang R. 2022 Systems-wide analysis revealed shared and unique responses to moderate and acute high temperatures in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Commun Biol, 5(1):460. PMCID: PMC9106746