Christopher Harper
Program: Plant and Microbial Biosciences
Current advisor: Joshua Blodgett, PhD
Undergraduate university: University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2016
Enrollment year: 2019
Research summary
Diversity and genetic regulation of biosynthetic gene clusters
Graduate publications
Harper CP, Day A, Tsingos M, Ding E, Zeng E, Stumpf SD, Qi Y, Robinson A, Greif J, Blodgett JAV. 2024 Critical analysis of polycyclic tetramate macrolactam biosynthetic gene cluster phylogeny and functional diversity. Appl Environ Microbiol, 90(6):e0060024. PMCID:
Lee CY, Harper CP, Lee SG, Qi Y, Clay T, Aoi Y, Jez JM, Kasahara H, Blodgett JAV, Kunkel BN. 2024 Investigating the biosynthesis and roles of the auxin phenylacetic acid during Pseudomonas syringae- Arabidopsis thaliana pathogenesis. Front Plant Sci, 15():1408833. PMCID: PMC11291249
Djami-Tchatchou AT, Harrison GA, Harper CP, Wang R, Prigge M, Estelle M, Kunkel BN. 2020 Dual Role of Auxin in Regulating Plant Defense and Bacterial Virulence Gene Expression During Pseudomonas syringae PtoDC3000 Pathogenesis. Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 33(8):1059-71. PMCID:
Kunkel BN, Harper CP. 2018 The roles of auxin during interactions between bacterial plant pathogens and their hosts. J Exp Bot, 69(2):245-54