Dereck Alleyne

Program: Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology

Current advisor: Kyunghee Choi, PhD

Undergraduate university: Westminster College, 2015

Enrollment year: 2019

Research summary
Gene regulatory architecture underlying the development and specification of hematopoietic and endothelial cell lineages

Graduate publications
Kulkarni DH, Rusconi B, Floyd AN, Joyce EL, Talati KB, Kousik H, Alleyne D, Harris DL, Garnica L, McDonough R, Bidani SS, Kulkarni HS, Newberry EP, McDonald KG, Newberry RD. 2023 Gut microbiota induces weight gain and inflammation in the gut and adipose tissue independent of manipulations in diet, genetics, and immune development. Gut Microbes, 15(2):2284240. PMCID: PMC10730159