Khai Nguyen

Program: Immunology

Current advisor: Marco Colonna, MD

Undergraduate university: Earlham College, 2020

Enrollment year: 2020

Research summary
Single-cell immunogenomics in inflammatory bowel diseases

My thesis project focuses on the use of single-cell and spatial transcriptomics to delineate disease mechanisms in inflammatory bowel diseases. I am studying two clinically challenging conditions, Crohn’s like disease of the pouch (CDP) and perianal fistulizing Crohn’s disease (PFCD).

Graduate publications
Brioschi S, Belk JA, Peng V, Molgora M, Rodrigues PF, Nguyen KM, Wang S, Du S, Wang WL, Grajales-Reyes GE, Ponce JM, Yuede CM, Li Q, Baer JM, DeNardo DG, Gilfillan S, Cella M, Satpathy AT, Colonna M. 2023 A Cre-deleter specific for embryo-derived brain macrophages reveals distinct features of microglia and border macrophages. Immunity, 56(5):1027-1045.e8. PMCID: PMC10175109

Ver Heul A, Fredman A, Trier A, Tamari M, Nguyen K, Kim B. 2022 Type 2 inflammation drives transcriptional remodeling of itch-sensory neurons. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 149(2):AB221

Wang S, Sudan R, Peng V, Zhou Y, Du S, Yuede CM, Lei T, Hou J, Cai Z, Cella M, Nguyen K, Poliani PL, Beatty WL, Chen Y, Cao S, Lin K, Rodrigues C, Ellebedy AH, Gilfillan S, Brown GD, Holtzman DM, Brioschi S, Colonna M. 2022 TREM2 drives microglia response to amyloid-β via SYK-dependent and -independent pathways. Cell, 185(22):4153-4169.e19. PMCID: PMC9625082