Sarah Koester
Program: Molecular Cell Biology
Current advisor: Joseph D. Dougherty, PhD
Undergraduate university: University of Southern Indiana, 2018
Enrollment year: 2020
Research summary
miRNA-mediated regulation of local translation in peripheral astrocyte processes.
Graduate publications
Vasek MJ, Mueller SM, Fass SB, Deajon-Jackson JD, Liu Y, Crosby HW, Koester SK, Yi J, Li Q, Dougherty JD. 2023 Local translation in microglial processes is required for efficient phagocytosis. Nat Neurosci, 26(7):1185-95. PMCID: PMC10580685
Koester SK, Dougherty JD. 2022 A Proposed Role for Interactions between Argonautes, miRISC, and RNA Binding Proteins in the Regulation of Local Translation in Neurons and Glia. J Neurosci, 42(16):3291-3301
Sapkota D, Kater MSJ, Sakers K, Nygaard KR, Liu Y, Koester SK, Fass SB, Lake AM, Khazanchi R, Khankan RR, Krawczyk MC, Smit AB, Maloney SE, Verheijen MHG, Zhang Y, Dougherty JD. 2022 Activity-dependent translation dynamically alters the proteome of the perisynaptic astrocyte process. Cell Rep, 41(3):111474. PMCID: PMC9624251