Emily Benedict
Program: Computational and Systems Biology
Current advisor: Gautam Dantas, PhD
Undergraduate university: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2020

Katherine Benza
Program: Plant and Microbial Biosciences
Current advisor: Ram Dixit, PhD
Undergraduate university: Clemson University, 2021

Shambhavi Bhagwat
Program: Molecular Cell Biology
Current advisor: Matthew L. Goodwin, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: Ramnarain Ruia College, 2014

Kim Boua
Program: Neurosciences
Current advisor: Harrison W. Gabel, PhD
Undergraduate university: Duke University, 2019

Vincent Brazelton
Program: Plant and Microbial Biosciences
Current advisor: Christopher N. Topp, PhD
Undergraduate university: Tuskegee University, 2013

Sandra Cardenas Garcia
Program: Neurosciences
Current advisor: Erik D. Herzog, PhD
Undergraduate university: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2018

Ariya Chaloemtoem
Program: Human and Statistical Genetics
Current advisor: Laura J. Bierut, MD
Undergraduate university: New York Univeristy-Abu Dhabi, 2021

Chia-Teng Chang
Program: Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Current advisor: Tony Tsai, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: National Taiwan University, 2017

Ruiqi Chen
Program: Neurosciences
Current advisor: ShiNung Ching, PhD
Undergraduate university: Peking University, 2021

Heejae Choi
Program: Neurosciences
Current advisor: Camillo Padoa-Schioppa, PhD
Undergraduate university: Emory University, 2017