
Melissa Mavers, MD,PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email: mmmavers@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Cancer Biology
Research summary
Harnessing immune cells to prevent acute graft-versus-host disease
Key words
innate lymphocytes, graft-versus-host disease, cell therapies, cancer

Gabriel Mbalaviele, PhD
- Email: gmbalaviele@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Research summary
Role of inflammasomes in disease
Key words
Inflammation, Inflammasomes, Skeleton, Cytokines

Audrey McAlinden, PhD
Associate Professor
- Email: mcalindena@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Research summary
Molecular mechanisms regulating skeletal development
Key words
microRNAs; stem cells; skeletal development and regeneration; cartilage; chondrocyte differentiation; pre-mRNA alternative splicing

Jordan McCall, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email: jordangmccall@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology
Research summary
Understanding the neural mechanisms underlying emotional dysregulation in the contexts of stress, chronic pain, and addiction
Key words

John McCarthy, PhD
Spencer T. Olin Professor in Arts & Sciences
- Email: mccarthy@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Research summary
The use of mathematical techniques to improve our understanding of the development of Alzheimer`s Disease
Key words

William McCoy, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email: mccoyw@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology
Research summary
We investigate how host-microbe interactions at epithelial barrier sites impact skin diseases.
Key words
acne, microbiome, cryogenic electron microscopy, cryoEM, crystallography, Cutibacterium acnes, melanoma, immune checkpoint inhibitor, ICI

Kathleen McDermott, PhD
- Email: kathleen.mcdermott@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Research summary
Human behavioral and fMRI studies of memory
Key words
memory, learning, cognition, cognitive, fMRI, imaging, behavior

Tristan McIntosh, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email: t.mcintosh@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Research summary
Navigating ethical, professional, and social issues that arise in researh and medical settings.
Key words
biases; bioethics; integrity; professionalism; program evaluation; research ethics; responsible conduct of research; whistleblowing

Helen McNeill, PhD
Professor and BJC Investigator
- Email: mcneillh@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Molecular Cell Biology
Cancer Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Research summary
Coordinating cell proliferation and cell organization in organ development
Key words

Jacob McPherson, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email: mcpherson.jacob@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Research summary
Sensorimotor neural plasticity and neurological injury
Key words