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Philip Ruzycki, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary

Key words

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Nancy Saccone, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation
Human and Statistical Genetics
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary
Statistical genetics, complex human diseases, analysis methods

Key words
genetics, substance dependence, addiction, human disease gene mapping, association studies, linkage analysis

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Jose Saenz, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology

Research summary
Gastric epithelial responses to acute and chronic gastric injury

Key words
double-stranded RNA, host response, Helicobacter pylori

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Rajan Sah, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology

Research summary
Study the function of novel ion channels as they relate to growth and metabolism

Key words

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Naresha Saligrama, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science

Research summary
Adaptive immune responses in neuroinflammatory, neurodegenerative, and neuropsychiatric diseases

Key words
Neuroimmunology, Autoimmunity, T cell receptors, Antigens

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Lawrence Salkoff, PhD


Program affiliation
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Molecular Cell Biology
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology

Research summary
How ion channels function in physiology and behavior

Key words
neurobiology, genome analysis, development, behavior, physiology

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Vijay Samineni, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary
Intersection between visceral sensation, organ function, and emotions

Key words
Visceral Pain, Genomics, Neural Circuits, Emotions

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Mark Sands, PhD


Program affiliation
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Molecular Cell Biology

Research summary
Pathophysiology and novel therapies for lysosomal storage diseases

Key words
gene therapy, hematopoiesis, metabolism, neurobiology, neurodegeneration, stem cells

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Celia Santi Grau Perez, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology

Research summary
Aspects of sexual reproduction that involve membrane excitability and control of membrane voltage in spermatozoa, which are essential for the sperm to fertilize the egg

Key words
male fertility, ion channels, sperm physiology,

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Marco Sardiello, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology

Research summary
My laboratory uses genetics, cell biology and systems biology approaches to study how the cell regulates its metabolic programs and how dysfunctions in these programs lead to neurological disease

Key words