
Michael Brent, PhD
- Email: brent@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Computational and Systems Biology
Human and Statistical Genetics
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Research summary
Computational genomics, human genetics, systems biology, transcriptional regulatory networks
Key words
computational biology, systems biology, regulatory circuits, computational genomics, multi-omics integration, human genetics

Jonathan Brestoff, MD, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor
- Email: brestoff@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Research summary
Understanding how immune cells and metabolic organs interact to maintain normal metabolism and to support adaptation to physiologic challenges
Key words
Immunometabolism, Mitochondria, White/beige/brown adipose tissue, Innate immunity, Macrophages, Obesity

Thomas Brett, PhD
Associate Professor
- Email: tbrett@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology
Research summary
The molecular basis of lung diseases and drug development using structural biology tools
Key words
biophysics, crystallography, molecular medicine, asthma, mucosal immunology, Alzheimer`s disease, endocytosis, receptor trafficking, structural biology, structure based drug design

Paul Bridgman, PhD
- Email: bridgmap@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Research summary
Cell biology of developing nerve and muscle cells
Key words
neurobiology, development, imaging, axon, cytoskeleton

Matthew Brier, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email: brierm@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Research summary
Key words

Steven Brody, MD
- Email: brodys@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Research summary
Molecular and genetic mechanisms of airway epithelial cell differentiation and ciliogenesis
Key words
cilia, development, epithelium, lung, transcription

Rita Brookheart, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email: rbrookheart@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Research summary
We focus on the intersection of metabolism and stress responses in human health and disease. We use basic and translational approaches to identify and investigate key metabolic regulators in both physiologic and pathophysiologic contexts including obesity and diabetes.
Key words
Metabolism, skeletal muscle, ER stress, calcium, mitochondria, SREBP, obesity, diabetes

Nicole Brossier, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email: nbrossier@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Cancer Biology
Research summary
We are interested in the neurodevelopmental and environmental factors that affect the risk of brain tumor development and cognitive impairment in children.
Key words
pediatric, glioma, obesity, neurofibromatosis, neurodevelopment

Peter Brunner, PhD
Associate Professor
- Email: pbrunner@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Research summary
Understanding the large-scale cortical electrophysiology that governs uniquely human behavior and cognition
Key words

Juliane Bubeck Wardenburg, MD, PhD
Professor and Chief
- Email: jbubeck@wustl.edu
Program affiliation
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Research summary
The research in my laboratory is aimed at understanding fundamental principles of the interaction between bacterial pathogens and the human host.
Key words