Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Robbie Hart, PhD
Director, William L. Brown Center
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Program affiliation
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Research summary
The ecology and ethnobotany of mountain ecosystems
Key words
ecology, ethnobotany, ethnobiology, phenology, plant science

Andrew Heath, DPhil
Spencer T. Olin Professor of Psychology
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Program affiliation
Human and Statistical Genetics
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science
Research summary
Genetic studies of alcoholism, smoking and drug dependence, depression, suicidality and anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and methodological research in genetic epidemiology
Key words
substance abuse, development, modeling, psychiatry, quantitative genetics

Feng Sheng Hu, PhD
Richard G. Engelsmann Dean of Arts & Sciences and Lucille P. Markey Distinguished Professor
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Program affiliation
Plant and Microbial Biosciences
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Research summary
Understanding patterns and mechanisms of long-term ecosystem dynamics under changing climatic conditions
Key words
ecosystem ecology, quaternary paleoecology, climatic change and biotic response, soil and sediment biogeochemistry

Andreas Kautt, PhD
Assistant Professor
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Program affiliation
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Research summary
In the Kautt Lab, we combine a genomics-centered approach with molecular experiments, behavioral assays, and fieldwork to elucidate both the evolutionary and molecular mechanisms underlying organismal adaptation and diversification, with a focus on animal behavior.
Key words
Evolution, Genomics, Behavior, Adaptation, Speciation

Elizabeth Kellogg, PhD
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Program affiliation
Plant and Microbial Biosciences
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Research summary
Identifying deep similarities among plants as apparently disparate as rice, wheat, maize, and the other cereals
Key words
plant evolution; evo-devo; genomics; phylogeny

Michael Landis, PhD
Assistant Professor
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Program affiliation
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Computational and Systems Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Research summary
Modeling the evolution of species with stochastic processes [Recruiting PhD Students for Fall 2024]
Key words
phylogenetics, evolution, ecology, epidemiology, statistical models, stochastic processes, computational inference, deep learning

Heather Lawson, PhD
Assistant Professor
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Program affiliation
Computational and Systems Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Human and Statistical Genetics
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Research summary
Integration of whole-genome sequence with phenotypic data to understand parent-of-origin genetic effects and gene-by-environment interactions
Key words
Epigenetics, gene regulation, parent-of-origin effects, gene-by-environment interactions, pleiotropy, systems biology, metabolism, evolution

Fangqiong Ling, PhD
Assistant Professor
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Program affiliation
Computational and Systems Biology
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Plant and Microbial Biosciences
Research summary
A computational and experimental lab studying bacterial colonization and transmission at the boundary of built and natural environments and exploring microbiomes as environmental sensors and public health sentinels
Key words

Jonathan Losos, PhD
William H Danforth Distinquished Professor
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Program affiliation
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Research summary
I study how species adapt to their environment.
Key words
ecology, evolution, adaptation, lizard, reptile

Elizabeth Mallott, PhD
Assistant Professor
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Program affiliation
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Plant and Microbial Biosciences
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Research summary
How the environment shapes host-associated microbial communities both within and across species
Key words
Gut microbiome, nonhuman primates, environmental health