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Clifford Luke, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation

Research summary

Key words

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Garland Marshall, PhD


Program affiliation

Research summary
Molecular recognition is the key to drug design and the bioactive conformation.

Key words
computational biology, molecular modeling, protein structure, ErbB receptors in oncology, GPCR/G-protein, signal transduction

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Tristan McIntosh, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation

Research summary
Navigating ethical, professional, and social issues that arise in researh and medical settings.

Key words
biases; bioethics; integrity; professionalism; program evaluation; research ethics; responsible conduct of research; whistleblowing

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James Miller, PhD

Albert Gordon Hill Emeritus Professor

Program affiliation

Research summary
Ultrasonic investigation of the viscoelastic properties of cardiovascular tissue and bone

Key words
Ultrasound, Bayesian, diabetes, echocardiography, myocardial ischemia, nonlinear, osteoporosis, ultrasound

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Jessica Mozersky, PhD, MBE

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation

Research summary

Key words
bioethics, research ethics, genetics, neuroimaging, social science, qualitative

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Robert Naismith, MD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation

Research summary
Imaging and clinical outcomes in multiple sclerosis.

Key words
multiple sclerosis, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), optic nerve, spinal cord

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Stephen Pak, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation

Research summary
High-throughput drug discovery using C. elegans models of protein aggregation disorders

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Steven Petersen, PhD

Professor Emeritus

Program affiliation

Research summary
Behavioral and fMRI studies of attention and cognitive development

Key words
attention, language, development, behavior, imaging

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Anya Plutynski, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation

Research summary
History and philosophy of biology & medicine, general philosophy of science, biomedical ethics

Key words
cancer, genetics, evolution, risk, modeling

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Cyril Pottier, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation

Research summary

Key words