
Matthew Albrecht, PhD
Assistant Curator of Conservation Biology
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Program affiliation
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Research summary
Ecology and conservation of rare plants
Key words
plant conservation; reintroduction biology; plant population dynamics; rare plant ecology; restoration ecology; seed and seedling ecology; ex situ conservation

Jennifer Alexander-Brett, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
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Program affiliation
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology
Research summary
Respiratory immunobiology, with particular interest in cytokine pathways associated with lung epithelial progenitors
Key words

Gaya Amarasinghe, PhD
Alumni Endowed Professor
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Program affiliation
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Research summary
Molecular mechanisms at the host-pathogen interface
Key words
biochemistry, structural biology, signaling, virology, host pathogen interactions, immunology

Farners Amargant i Riera, PhD
Assistant Professor
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Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Research summary
The Riera Lab uses a multidisciplinary approach to investigate how biochemical and biomechanical signaling from the ovary regulates folliculogenesis and oocyte quality, and whether these mechanisms are altered in reproductive-associated diseases such as PCOS and aging.
Key words
Female reproduction, mechanobiology, ovary, folliculogenesis, reproductive aging, oocyte quality

Hongyu An, DSc
Associate Professor
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Program affiliation
Research summary
Develop novel imaging methods to deepen our understanding on pathophysiology and improve clinical diagnosis and patient management
Key words

Beau Ances, MD, PhD
Daniel J. Brennan Professor
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Program affiliation
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science
Research summary
Characterization of Dementia (HIV associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) and Alzheimer`s Disease (AD) using functional magnetic resonance imaging
Key words
Alzheimer’s disease, blood flow, brain mapping, dementia, HIV, MRI

Alison Antes, PhD
Assistant Professor
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Program affiliation
Research summary
Study of ethical, social, and professional issues that affect patients, researchers, and health care providers
Key words

Rajendra Apte, MD, PhD
Paul A. Cibis Distinguished Professor
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Program affiliation
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Research summary
Innate immunity and immune effector mechanisms in the retina; oxidative stress and cell death; models of developmental angiogenesis and neovascularization; inflammation and photoreceptor survival; macular degeneration
Key words
aging, Angiogenesis, macular degeneration, diabetes, innate immunity, macrophage, retinal degeneration, vascular biology

Maxim Artyomov, PhD
Associate Professor
- Email:
Program affiliation
Computational and Systems Biology
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology
Research summary
Systems immunology using high-throughput next-generation sequencing in conjunction with mathematical and statistical modeling approaches rooted in statistical physics
Key words
systems immunology, systems biology, computational biology, RNA-seq

Ghazaleh Ashrafi, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email:
Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Research summary
Uncovering novel regulators of glycolytic and mitochondrial metabolism at the synapse and their role in the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease
Key words