
John Atkinson, MD
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Program affiliation
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Human and Statistical Genetics
Research summary
Complement activation and regulation in innate and adaptive immunity
Key words
immunology, inflammation, autoimmunity, complement system, innate immunity

Michael Avidan, MBBCh
Dr. Seymour and Rose T. Brown Professor and Head of the Department of Anesthesiology
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Program affiliation
Research summary
His research interests include intraoperative awareness, postoperative cognitive alteration, brain monitoring during surgery, and postoperative outcomes.
Key words

Martha Bagnall, PhD
Associate Professor
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Program affiliation
Research summary
Spinal circuits, balance, and motor control in zebrafish
Key words
spinal, movement, vestibular

Dustin Baldridge, MD,PhD
Assistant Professor
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Program affiliation
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science
Research summary
Utilizing the power of genetics to elucidate the molecular pathogenesis of disease and transform patient care
Key words
Genetics, genomics, transcription factors, rare disease

Megan Baldridge, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
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Program affiliation
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Computational and Systems Biology
Research summary
Defining the mechanisms behind and effects of the interactions between commensal bacteria, pathogens and innate immunity
Key words
microbiota, infection, pathogen, microbiome, virus, interferon, immunity

Dennis Barbour, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
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Program affiliation
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science
Research summary
Sensation, perception and cognitive processing of sounds and speech
Key words
perception and cognition, behavioral assessment, medical informatics, computational audiology, machine learning, clinical decision support

Deanna Barch, PhD
Professor and Chair
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Program affiliation
Research summary
Neurobiological and Psychological Mechanisms of Cognitive and Emotional Control: Normative Function and Abnormalities in Psychiatric Disorders
Key words
cognition, neuroimaging, prefrontal cortex, psychiatry, schizophrenia, depression

David Bark, PhD
Associate Professor
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Program affiliation
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Molecular Cell Biology
Research summary
Applying biomechanics and mechanobiology (the interaction and response of cells and tissue to mechanical forces) to diagnose, study, and treat various forms of cardiovascular disease.
Key words