
Mike Jones II, PhD
Director, Community Engagement & Co-Curricular Experience
- Email: mikejones@wustl.edu

Rosie Jones
Senior Project Manager
- Email: jones.rosie@wustl.edu
Rosie works to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in DBBS, at WashU and in the greater St. Louis community by promoting a culture where trainees enrolled in our programs can bring their full, authentic selves into our environments.

Steven Mennerick, PhD
Associate Dean for Graduate Education
- Phone: (314) 747-2988
- Email: menneris@wustl.edu

Andrew Richards
Director, Admissions & Recruitment, Information Systems
- Phone: 314-362-7743
- Email: richardsa@wustl.edu
Andrew directs the activities of the admissions and recruiting staff and oversees systems information technology for DBBS.

Cindy Vigueira, PhD
Director, Curriculum and Graduate Programs
- Phone: 314-747-0876
- Email: vigueira@wustl.edu
Cindy provides leadership and oversight for the overall management of the curriculum, academic policies, career development and pathways.

Alison Wessels, PhD
Director, Finance & Administration
- Email: areddon@wustl.edu
Alison oversees all finance, administration, and grants management operations for DBBS.