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Charles Goss, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science

Research summary

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Manu Goyal, MD, MSc

Associate Professor

Program affiliation

Research summary
Integrated advanced imaging approach to studying human brain aging

Key words

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Gary Grajales, MD,PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science
Molecular Cell Biology
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology

Research summary

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Gregory Grant, PhD


Program affiliation
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology
Molecular Cell Biology

Research summary
Relationship of structure to function in allosteric control mechanisms

Key words
protein structure, protein function, allosteric regulation, enzymology, biochemistry

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Abby Green, MD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Cancer Biology
Molecular Cell Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics

Research summary
The etiology of mutagenesis and genome instability in pediatric cancers

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Michael Greenberg, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology
Molecular Cell Biology
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology

Research summary
The Greenberg lab seeks to understand the molecular and cellular biophysics of heart disease, with the goal of engineering disease models and precision therapeutics

Key words
heart disease, single molecule, optical trapping, cardiac muscle, stem cells, tissue engineering, cytoskeletal molecular motors, mechanobiology, computational modeling, precision medicine

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Eric Greer, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Cancer Biology
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Molecular Cell Biology

Research summary
Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of epigenetics and how when this goes awry diseases arise

Key words
Epigenetics, Transgenerational, Imprinting, Evolution, Multicellularity, Cancer, Tumorigenesis, Epitranscriptomics

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Malachi Griffith, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science
Cancer Biology
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary
Improving our understanding of human disease biology and the development of personalized medicine strategies using genomics and informatics technologies

Key words
genomics, bioinformatics, data mining, immunogenomics, precision medicine, personalized medicine, cancer vaccines, and cancer research

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Obi Griffith, PhD


Program affiliation
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science
Cancer Biology
Molecular Cell Biology

Research summary
Development of personalized medicine strategies for cancer using genomic technologies

Key words
bioinformatics, machine learning, cancer, genomics, immunogenomics, precision oncology

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Michael Gross, PhD


Program affiliation
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology

Research summary
Development and application of mass spectrometry in biophysics, biochemistry, and medicine

Key words
amyloid beta biophysics, biochemistry, biophysics, mass spectrometry, protein-protein interaction, protein structure,