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Alexander Stegh, PhD


Program affiliation
Cancer Biology

Research summary
Glioblastoma metabolism, mechanisms of immunosupression, and the development of novel gene-regulatory and immunostimulatory nanotechnologies

Key words

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Paul Stein, PhD


Program affiliation

Research summary
Sensorimotor integration; spinal cord neural networks; turtle hindlimb motor output

Key words
behavior, central pattern generators, neurobiology, physiology, spinal cord

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William Stenson, MD


Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology

Research summary
We are interested in the epithelial response to injury in the intestine and in mucosal immununology in the intestine.

Key words
apoptosis, epithelial cells, immunology, inflammation, innate immunity, prostaglandin, radiation

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Sheila Stewart, PhD


Program affiliation
Cancer Biology
Molecular Cell Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology

Research summary
Examining the role the tumor microenvironment plays in immune modulation, tumor development, metastasis and dormancy

Key words
aging, cancer, microenvironment, RNAi, senescence, telomere

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Nathan Stitziel, MD, PhD


Program affiliation
Human and Statistical Genetics
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Computational and Systems Biology
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science

Research summary
We use multiomic approaches to discover mechanisms underlying cardiovascular disease and leverage these insights to identify new drug targets.

Key words
Human genetics; cardiovascular disease

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Stephen Stone, MD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology

Research summary
Work in our lab focuses on the role of insulin resistance in human metabolic diseases. To accomplish this, we focus our efforts on patients with severe insulin resistance syndromes.

Key words
Insulin Resistance, Atypical Diabetes, Pediatric Endocrinology, FGF21, Fibroblast Growth factors

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Gary Stormo, PhD

Joseph Erlanger Professor

Program affiliation
Computational and Systems Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Human and Statistical Genetics
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology

Research summary
Computational biology, bioinformatics, protein-DNA interactions, gene regulation

Key words
computational biology, genome analysis, gene expression, mathematical modeling

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Jennifer Strahle, MD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation

Research summary
To understand and develop treatments for cerebrospinal fluid circulation disorders during development, including neonatal post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus

Key words

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Joan Strassmann, PhD

Charles Rebstock Professor

Program affiliation
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Plant and Microbial Biosciences

Research summary
We work on social interactions and mutualism using a microbial system so we can study cheating, conflict and cooperation at experimental and genomic levels, within and between species, in particular in social amoebae and their farmed bacteria

Key words
social evolution; multicellularity; mutualism; symbiosis; experimental evolution; disease; social amoebae; Dictyostelium; science education; birds

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Amber Stratman, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Molecular Cell Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology

Research summary
The Stratman lab is broadly interested in how blood vessels form and stabilize during development, and how changes in these processes affect tissue homeostasis and disease.

Key words
mechanobiology, vascular, endothelial cell, blood flow