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Marcus Raichle, MD


Program affiliation

Research summary
Functional brain imaging with positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance

Key words
imaging, behavior, cognition, fMRI, PET

Rithwick Rajagopal, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology

Research summary
Regulation of neural lipid and glucose metabolism in diseases of the retina

Key words

Baranidharan Raman, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary
Systems analysis of neural information processing; bio-inspired sensors and algorithms

Key words
mathematical modeling, neurobiology, neurophysiology, sensory systems, smell, systems neuroscience

Alex Ramsey, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science

Research summary
My research focus is in implementation science, particularly as applied to tobacco use treatment and cancer prevention interventions. My goal is to design and implement multilevel interventions to improve the access and quality of health care.

Key words
smoking cessation, addiction treatment, implementation science, mixed methods, health behavior change, technology

Gwendalyn Randolph, PhD

Emil R. Unanue Distinguished Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis

Research summary
We focus on inter-organ communication and the transit of cells and molecules out of tissues in healthy and disease states

Key words
lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, IBD, monocytes, macrophages, high-density lipoprotein, peritoneal tumor metastasis, peritoneal macrophages

Lee Ratner, MD, PhD


Program affiliation
Cancer Biology
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Molecular Genetics and Genomics

Research summary
Molecular biology and pathogenesis of HIV and HTLV

Key words
lymphocytes, virology, AIDS, leukemia, HIV, HTLV, NF kB

Michael Rauchman, MDCM


Program affiliation
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics

Research summary
Investigate gene regulation during kidney development and disease

Key words

Kodi Ravichandran, PhD

Robert L. Kroc Professor and BJC Investigator

Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology

Research summary
Apoptotic cell clearance mechanisms in health and disease

Key words

Courtney Reichhardt, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology
Molecular Cell Biology
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Plant and Microbial Biosciences

Research summary
Investigating the fundamental biophysical principles of biofilm assembly

Key words

Maria Remedi, PhD


Program affiliation
Molecular Cell Biology
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology

Research summary
Channels: diabetes, obesity and brain disorders

Key words
Diabetes, disease, channels, brain, neurons, hormones, growth, death, obesity, physiology

Susanne Renner, Dr rer nat

Honorary Professor

Program affiliation
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Research summary
I am an evolutionary biologist and plant systematist. Of particular interest to me are plant/animal interactions, biogeography, and plant sexual systems

Key words
Evolution, plant systematics, nomenclature, biogeography, plant/animal interactions, sexual systems, sex chromosomes

Stacey Rentschler, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology

Research summary
Direct reprogramming of cells into specialized cardiac conduction tissues

Key words
conduction system, reprogramming, heart development, Notch, arrhythmia, regenerative medicine, mouse models

Felipe Ribeiro, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis

Research summary
Understanding the neuroimmune basis of infectious and non-infectious diseases

Key words
Pain and sensory disorders; Infectious diseases; Neuroimmunology; Host-microbe interactions

Patricia Ribeiro Pereira, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Cancer Biology

Research summary
Molecular imaging tools to understand tumor biology and response to therapies

Key words
cancer, imaging, therapy, antibody, membrane receptors, radiochemistry

John Rice, PhD


Program affiliation
Human and Statistical Genetics
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science

Research summary
Statistical genetics; complex disease genetics; methods in statistical genetics

Key words
mathematical modeling, epidemiology, genetics

Linda Richards, AO, FAA, FAHMS, PhD

Edison Professor of Neuroscience & Head of the Department of Neuroscience

Program affiliation
Developmental Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Cancer Biology
Molecular Cell Biology

Research summary
The Brain Development and Disorders Laboratory investigates how long-range neural circuits are established in the brain, and how neural circuit plasticity affects the function of the cerebral cortex.

Key words
cognitive and behavioral neuroscience, developmental neurobiology, molecular and cellular neuroscience, neurogenetics, cerebral cortex, corpus callosum, glial development, neuronal development, brain wiring, agenesis

Elisha Roberson, PhD

Assistant Professor

Program affiliation
Human and Statistical Genetics
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Computational and Systems Biology
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science

Research summary
Using bench molecular biology, high-throughput sequencing, and bioinformatics to understand human inflammatory / autoimmune disease.

Key words
human genetics; autoimmune; inflammatory disease; biomarkers; high-throughput sequencing; precision medicine

Janice Robertson, PhD

Associate Professor

Program affiliation
Biochemistry Biophysics and Structural Biology
Computational and Systems Biology

Research summary
To understand how and why membrane proteins fold, form stable complexes, and achieve conformational stability inside of the oil-filled cell membrane.

Key words
membrane protein; single-molecule; TIRF microscopy; protein folding; thermodynamics; lipids; oligomerization

Buck Rogers, PhD


Program affiliation

Research summary

Key words

Cynthia Rogers, MD

Blanche F. Ittleson Professor

Program affiliation

Research summary
Investigating the relationship between neonatal brain development, early life adversity and childhood psychiatric disorders in high risk infant populations

Key words