Elizabeth Juarez Diaz
Program: Immunology
Current advisor: Tanner M. Johanns, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: St. Catherine University, 2018

Courtney Karl
Program: Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Current advisor: Michael S. Diamond, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: Truman State University, 2020

Darya Khantakova
Program: Cancer Biology
Current advisor: Marco Colonna, MD
Undergraduate university: Novosibirsk State University, 2019

Daphne Ko
Program: Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Current advisor: Tamara L. Doering, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: Hunter College, 2018

Sarah Koester
Program: Molecular Cell Biology
Current advisor: Joseph D. Dougherty, PhD
Undergraduate university: University of Southern Indiana, 2018

Hunter Kuhn
Program: Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Current advisor: David A. Hunstad, MD
Undergraduate university: University of Central Florida, 2017

Travis Law
Program: Computational and Systems Biology
Current advisor: Harrison W. Gabel, PhD
Undergraduate university: Grinnell College, 2015

Evan Lee
Program: Computational and Systems Biology
Current advisor: Jeffrey I. Gordon, MD
Undergraduate university: University of California-Berkeley, 2018

Paul Lee
Program: Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Current advisor: Nathan Stitziel, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: University of Pennsylvania, 2019

Xubo Leng
Program: Neurosciences
Current advisor: Timothy E. Holy, PhD
Undergraduate university: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2018